Interdictor (Immobilizer 418 Cruiser) (1)
Basic info

First appearance: Fantasy Flight Games Armada Miniatures Game
Species/Type: Immobilizer 418 Cruiser


The Interdictor was an Interdictor-class Star Destroyer in service to the Imperial Navy during the Imperial Era. At some time during its service, it served alongside two other Interdictor-class Star Destroyers above a green celestial body and pulled a CR90 corvette out of hyperspace. The 1,129-meter-long Interdictor housed a hangar bay and sublight engines. It also was armed with four gravity well projectors, which allowed Interdictor vessels to generate an interdiction field, an artificial gravity well capable of pulling other ships out of hyperspace, as well as preventing them from entering it.

Complete list

Interdictor (Unique)
Interdictor (Unique)
Tags (2)

Immobilizer 418 Cruiser | CR90 Corellian Corvette

Last updated: 07.11.2020 17:58:07